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Guard Dogs vs. Alarm Systems
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In our prior guides we have mentioned the term ‘NBFAA’. We will explain what it is and how it can serve you. The NBFAA stands for National Burglar and Fire Alarm Association. The NBFAA has been set up over 60 years in order to provide service to all its denizens. As pioneers in their field they are all set out to render a dedicated and committed service. They work in consonance with the state wise security and fire control authorities and therefore it is not just one big organization located at Texas, but something that seeks to provide a genuine service.

Afore mentioned a mammoth number of security companies are under the protégé of NSFAA in the sense that they hold membership with the NBFAA. All the companies are a comprehensive representation of all the states of the United States of America. NBFAA keeps a tab over most of all these alarm companies and once they are under its control they can be easily monitored and subjugated to any illegitimate dealings.

The NBFAA a richly experienced association, has a major focus to create some kind of awareness and educate the dealers, sales personnel and the companies basically in how to go about this endeavor of getting proper alarms made and how to go about selling and buying. All those who complete the courses which they offer will be entitled to get in professionally into this field. NBFAA also keeps all the companies abreast of all their latest technologies, products, professional expertise, tools and other details so that even the alarm companies benefit from all this.

How can NBFAA be useful to you?

  • Since most of the companies are enlisted under this, and once enlisted they can be trusted check for their membership with NBFAA.

  • As NBFAA forms the norm for other companies, you can check out all the possible new products, tools and instructions.

  • When you have a big business, or a school or some venture which has to be dealt very carefully which have any sort of questions or queries you can contact them through mail or phone and even consider taking an awareness program if needed.


Usually known as Better Business Bureau is an organization which sets standards for all businesses and accredits them so that the companies follow some basic legal and standardized norms. It has dual benefits as it gives the company credibility and wipes away all the insecurities that customers usually have. So, even if you have to choose a security alarm company, be sure to check all these factors so that you can be sure that your purchase is valuable.

Alarm Awareness

If you are a CEO of a company, or in charge of any association, or have the responsibility of a school, university or any other huge business, legal venture or even if you are the head of the family, it would be imperative for you to be either aware or at least keep abreast of the antidote against burglary and fire. It would be too late for you to wait unless and until something untoward or some bad event was to happen and then get to regret the whole situation.

Do not think that just fixing an alarm system can be of a great help. Make an effort to learn how to use it, learn the codes, how to reactivate and deactivate it and so on.

  • Attend an awareness program so that you can be sure of all protection measures, the awareness programs are conducted often almost once a month and are usually around 2-4 hours, so it would not take you too long and at the same time you have the privilege of learning all that has to be done and checking out all your queries. Be sure to check the all the information in advance so that you do not miss out on this.

  • Whenever you are at a new place check out whether there is a proper security alarm, study the entries and exits carefully especially if you have are in control of a number of people.

  • Read all the instructions from the user’s guide and manual and equip yourself, as you will lose nothing from getting to know it better.

  • Protect yourself at all times; you can never predict what is going to happen.

Guard Dogs vs. Alarm Systems

Right from the olden days, a dog has always portrayed a sense of security and pride. From a rural setup to people all over globally, guard dogs are present universally symbolizing protection and an inkling of a guardian. Right from those days, until now, apart from keeping them for company, they also forewarn danger and sense trouble. Of course, who would not want to have a sweet, four-legged canine, to welcome you everyday, play, keep you company, reciprocate that love and affection and lastly serve as a protector. However, the question here is not about getting a dog, but whether a dog is a substitute for an alarm. This needs to be discussed extensively.

The regular pet dogs which we have will only serve as watchdogs as they will cause a warning to their owners and bark at the intruders. However, dogs that are actually trained, from a training school, protect and attack any sort of intruder. These guard dogs are really fierce and apart form their owners, they scare everyone else. So, if you are planning to keep a guard dog, be sure to warn all your visitors also in advance or else you may never have visitors coming again. If you want a guard dog only for protection purposes, ensure that they are trained right at an early age. You cannot expect your lovely, well petted pet to suddenly turn into a guard dog.

The breeds of dogs usually for protection are the Mastiffs, Doberman, and Rottweiler, Bulldogs, Giant Schnauzer, German Shepherd and others. Guard dogs can even be hired for a particular day or event. However, some of these dogs mentioned can be really fierce and can cause severe injuries as well. They should be instructed in a way that they should attack only in crucial circumstances and in fierce danger and should be tuned to attack only when they are commanded to do so.

So, before you think of having these fierce creatures you must remember the following. In case any non-intruder was attacked, you will be heavily fined or have to give up your dog. It would also be tremendously difficult for you to keep a track of your dog’s whereabouts and try to keep them obeying you at all times. On long vacations and when you are away for long you will have to make other arrangements so that they are cared for, which poses a problem as they will be emotionally let down when the owners are away, or if they are left in hostels, the purpose of having them for protection will be lost.

Therefore you can make that move and go ahead and have a watchdog or even a guard dog, for that basic protection and security. However, even the presence of a dog, whatever the breed is, sometimes scare off any unwanted personnel. Their barks and whining can be sufficient to hunt the unwanted away. Over time, they will also get to learn all the family members and those who visit your place regularly and with their sixth sense they would be able to detect any danger and trouble.

Do not be under the impression that they can do everything that a security alarm does and keep them only to protect you and nothing else. They can just supplement protection. In fact, when you fix a security alarm a pet can trigger it off unexpectedly and you would have to take all the more precautions for that. You can weigh the pros and cons of both and decide on which will be more applicable and more beneficial to you. So, if you have the resources and have the time and patience to train and teach a watchdog, go ahead and get a watchdog as well as a security alarm.

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