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What Happens When An Alarm Is Sounded
Buying From Commercial Alarm Systems Companies
Commercial Security Monitoring Stations
Trunk Slammers
Commercial Alarm System Pricing
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A plunge into any business is always done after a lot of forethought and planning, and any business or commercial venture usually implies huge monetary investments, surpluses, paraphernalia and revenue which all involve huge amounts of money. When so much is at stake, it would be impractical, to be callous and impassive to the security needs. As a matter of fact, more than sufficient measures should be taken into consideration to keep all those huge investments safe and secure. If proper security measures were not taken, it would amount to great loss.

At this juncture, introducing a security alarm system would definitely be the need of the hour, to see all those hard earned pennies being kept intact. Moreover, an alarm security system will always keep your business protected not just through the week days, but also during weekends, all holidays, in short at all times and all throughout the year.

Getting a commercial alarm installed is easy; however, remember that you need to be proficient on all that it entails, like its various parts, their functions and its benefits from each. To get a comprehensive idea, we have listed all these details to make the purchase of an alarm suitable for your particular needs.


The various components of an alarm system are listed out alphabetically.

Batteries: The batteries give energy and form the source in order to function.

Control Panels: As the name suggests, the control panel controls the entire functioning of the alarm system. It comprises of wiring and connecting devises to the alarm company or the police departments.

Keypad: Is the devise that helps in arming and disarming the entire security system.

Motion Detectors: These are made to identify the changes in the room, made by intruders. They can monitor the differences (infra red) and give an immediate notification.

Sirens: The loud sound devises which are usually blaring help in the notifying. They are also fitted with lights.

Window & Door Contacts: These are placed at the most crucial points of entry, and sound when they are either being opened or closed.

Monitoring System: As soon as the alarm is sounded, the alarm companies get notified. Sometimes there could also be a false alarm, or sound due to low battery or by error. Monitoring systems need to be carefully designed, for its suitable needs. Sometimes just to scare off the intruder there are instant alarms, which provide that needed sound. There are others that can cause a notification in the alarm company before causing the sound. The latest alarm systems such as wireless – can avoid the hassle of having or fixing wires all around. Sometimes a bad, loose or faulty wiring can be non-functional and not serve its purpose. There are other additional accessories such as back up, fire alarms, smoke detectors, panic buttons and glass break detectors.

What Happens When An Alarm Is Sounded

Just fixing the alarm system and being happy about it is not your sole responsibility. After getting to know what the important components are, you need to be aware of what exactly happens when an alarm is sounded. As soon as some interference is detected the monitoring company immediately is notified. Your alarm sends a signal to the alarm company and they will get in touch with you to find out whether the situation is a genuine one or not, and will confirm the password. All these things happen in very less time and therefore, if it is a false alarm you need to act quickly and inform the alarm companies.

You must remember that the alarms are made for your help and with the purpose to serve you. Therefore the alarm companies usually take all the possible measures to curb any sort of thefts or robbery. Therefore, in case of a hoax or false alarm be sure to act immediately before possible measures are taken.

Buying From Commercial Alarm Systems Companies

After you have understood what security alarms encompass and what is best suited for you, the other important thing is to go ahead and buy the alarm. Before buying, you need to be well informed and do some basic research. Making a wrong choice or opting for a wrong alarm company will leave you in a great loss for your business and you will also end up wasting a lot of money on something which will not even serve your purpose. Spend sufficient time and without making any hasty decisions, buy something that should last you for a considerable amount of time. Remember that an alarm system is a protection for practically everything like your business, your money, your life and even your future; therefore, you should doubly check your choice.

The easiest and simplest way to begin this huge endeavor would be to make enquires from other trusted businesses that have an alarm system or that have recently installed an alarm system. Prepare some kind of a checklist, which covers all kinds of essential questions such as the alarm companies’ reliability, their policies, the cost, the regular payments, the service, the speed at which they function and so on. After this is done, on prior appointments meet up with the selected business you have chosen and make your enquiries.

It is also advisable to do a proper spadework yourself, like finding out the companies’ reputation, their vicinity to your place, their customer services and so on. Once you are sure of these facts and think you can manage with these companies, go ahead and fix appointments with the various alarm companies.

After the verification by yourself as well as others, go ahead and check out the various deals. Make appointments with the alarm companies. It is better to take someone who has a comprehensive idea of the functioning of the alarms. Do not decide and finalize with the very first company you see, but make an appropriate and extensive enquiry. One crucial factor which is important in finalizing on your alarm company is the cost. Check out the quotes and installation charges, monthly payments, annual costs and so on and decide on the suitable one. However do not make the cost as the sole criterion to choose an alarm system. After all, what is more important is the protection that it provides.

  • Check the alarm companies’ credibility and reputation, settle on it only after you ensure these details.

  • Do not get carried away by new and fancy companies, who promise many things and also beware of trunk slammers. The best way to avoid these problems is to go to the company and talk to the dealer and the sales people in person. Do not even try to negotiate or make any decisions through phone.

  • Check from four to five companies’ before making your choice.

  • Look at the pros and cons of each company and make the best choice.

  • Check out their equipment and all that they offer for that stipulated amount.

  • Determine other factors such as how fast they promise to fix it up, their efficiency and so on.

  • Get the sales people to explain everything to you, even if you are aware of it.

  • Ensure the time taken for the monitoring system to reach you.

  • Read all the documents carefully, before signing and giving your word, as you can get duped very easily.

  • The company should be able to answer all your queries about the alarm companies.

  • Check with some of the companies’ references.

  • Be sure to check all the possible codes.

  • Notify the police department about the installing of the alarm system, talk to them about the alarm company you are finalizing on and how fast they can reach to you.

  • Remember that criminals and thieves are smarter than you as well as the company, so do not settle on some slipshod devices or unsophisticated. If things are simple, it will even be simple for others to operate on it.

  • Check whether the prices include the monitoring, monthly payments and detection charges. Ensure all the pricing details.

  • All companies do not offer the same prices and the same options; it varies widely from one to another. Check these carefully.

  • Get the booklet or the book of instructions and read them.

  • The monitoring centers are usually situated far off; clarify on how fast they can reach you.

Commercial Security Monitoring Stations

If perhaps there be a theft or a burglary, what happens after that is something you need to be aware of. We have already learnt of what exactly happens when an alarm is sounded. In this section we are going to determine the function of the central monitoring station. As soon as the alarm is sounded, there is an alert raised in the central monitoring station. The central monitoring station takes the initiative to check the position and asks for the password. If the password is delivered right, then the alert is cancelled, but if the password is delivered wrongly then they immediately take action and send for the concerned personnel. The company or the police are notified immediately and the needful is carried out.

Not all stations may be located nearby; sometimes they can also be located in the next state. However, you need not be worried about this as they usually have a wide network and you will be reached as soon as possible.

Trunk Slammers

The term ‘Trunk Slammers’ may strike a bell, and you definitely need to be aware of this and see that you do not get lured into this scam. Trunk slammers are those who pose that they are selling either new products or products from some reputed companies and leave you in the lurch. They pose as salesmen and other sales personnel and they sell products that are either non- functional or second hand ones. Sometimes they get to buy the alarms from genuine companies in bulk and sell it to you and since they are from reputed companies it will give you an impression to go ahead and buy it. However, there will not be any genuine connection and will not serve your purpose in times of trouble.

There are others who usually act as go- betweens and pedestrians between the alarm companies and the customers who end up making a profit by selling the alarms. There will be a catch in the documents they give and the warranties will end up being improper. This does not mean that you will have to delay or avoid buying the right alarm system, but you have to ensure that the companies you are buying from are reliable and genuine.


  • Do not ever fix or finalize buying any alarm security through phone or through any sales personnel.

  • For any queries regarding your alarm company be sure to check with the NBFAA (National Burglar Fire Alarm Association).

  • Get recommendations from a number of other commercial setups before plunging into buying an alarm company.

  • Do not get carried away by the cost, and settle for the cheapest system. When so much is at stake it is only crucial to buy the most reliable one however costly it is.

  • Go to the company and check all the relevant details.

  • Carefully read all the documents, warranties and contracts and ensure that there is no problem before making any purchase.

Commercial Alarm System Pricing

After this extensive research and narrowing down your choice with a particular alarm company, the next most important thing involved here is the pricing. Of course, we did mention a number of times not to get lured by any alarm security company but at the same time do not end up paying exorbitant rates for less facilities. Be sure to check all the possible and viable options.

The break up usually is something like this:

Installation Fees: The installation fees depends on so many things such as the kind of paraphernalia the company has, the size of your company, the company itself, in what duration you would want it in and the option you are choosing. What you would have to pay would vary from either few hundreds to thousands of dollars.

Monthly Fees: You would have to pay per month and how much you have to pay again varies from company to company.

Annual Fee: You have the option of paying a yearly amount.

The pricing would also vary from other facilities such as getting notified to your mobile and other phones, and also have latest and sophisticated devices such as alarms using the wireless technology. Be sure to check whether you have to pay to the central monitoring companies as they usually require you to pay some fees to them, but the payment is barely a nominal amount. The police departments also include some charges so be sure to check their charges.

Another noteworthy aspect to be mentioned is that, in general the cost of an alarm security system for commercial purposes is usually paid as per the area in square feet. Your alarm system may also include other facilities such as smoke detectors and fire alarms. There would be a regular fee to be paid either as a monthly or an annual payment. Be sure to check that your alarm company includes the pricing of the warranty as well as the equipment.

The pricing usually varies from place to place, city to city and state to state. Depending on where exactly you live, the whole area of your commercial setup, the alarm company you choose and your central monitoring system you can make an estimate and choose the right one.


A typical description of a warranty would mean to get an agreement signed that in a stipulated period of time a non- function of any of its parts or any other technical problem, the cost of the repair either its repair or replacement will be borne by the company. Though this may sound banal, be sure to check its details like how long the warranty is issued for and what kind of coverage they take into consideration. Warranties, contracts and agreements are always to be well- read and understood. Even if you do not understand any terms or conditions be sure to check out the details from either the company or someone known, and avoid feeling sorry later.

Having covered all the aspects related with an alarm company like its essential parts, you now have a comprehensive view of what has to be done to get one for your company and about its costs. Make a wise decision, make a profitable purchase, choose a right dealer and alarm company and use all the benefits it offers.

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