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The Right Reasons For An Alarm System
Components Of An Alarm System
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Proper Use Of Alarm System
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Home security alarms and commercial alarm systems have become the next reliable solution to stop burglary at home and also at the office. But, while you are putting a considerable amount of money and depending on a system for the security of your home and office, you need to make sure whether these systems are perfect for your requirements or not.

At this point comes the necessity of knowing the components of an alarm system and the several types of these security devices which can prove to be the one you are looking for. It may sound a bit confusing as to what can be the several types of alarm system since the basic operation is same in every case. Yet, you may get surprised to know that alarms are different for condo, apartments or home. Similarly, a home alarm system will not suffice to protect the valuable documents and provide safety for your office where you should rather use the centrally monitored alarm system.

Moreover, choosing an appropriate alarm system depends on some other considerations as well. These will include the price of the systems and also the requirements for them. Now, if it seems to you that choosing the right alarm system is an uphill task and you will never be able to make the right choice, just be with us. We are going to make your task an easy and enjoyable experience. Read through the sections which are carefully stuffed with the right information especially to meet your requirements. With us you can choose the right alarm system in inkling.

The Right Reasons For An Alarm System

The first question that can come up to your mind while even thinking about an alarm system is, “Do I really need to install an alarm system at our home?” Well, this is really a crucial question which will make sure whether you need to invest on it or not and also will help you to gain some information about things happening around you. Now, if you are living in a remote part of a town or a village where visitors and strangers are really few, chances are that you do not need to invest on an alarm system for the time being. But, if it is not so, then here are some reasons which will answer your question effectively:

  • It has been observed that, burglars attack homes with alarm system three times less than a home without one.

  • Statistics shows that in every 10 seconds one burglary is committed in America.

  • Burglars have taken notice that a newly relocated family don’t have the security alarm system installed that soon making the home vulnerable to the attack.

No doubt attached with it is the loss of valuable items and money. In case of your business, you will like to protect your valuable office documents from intruders and also to protect your office articles and machines from the burglars. A security alarm can help you to a great extent to achieve these goals.

Components Of An Alarm System

To make it effective for protecting your home, there are a number of devices that are used to complete a security alarm system. Let us have some information about them and make our understanding about the way an alarm system works, a bit clear to grasp.

  • Control Panel: This is the device where the battery is located and the place where the wiring system of the alarm device is terminated. Moreover, if the alarm system is a monitored one, then the phone lines are connected in this control panel only.

  • Keypad: Keypad in the system helps to disarm and arm the whole device.

  • Door & Window Contact Recognizer: If the alarm system is on and anyone tries to break in, then this device immediately sounds the alarm and makes others aware. This is also another important part of the whole alarm system.

  • Inside Motion Detector: Motion detectors help to detect unwanted motions inside the room. People with pets can go for special motion detectors also.

  • Sirens: This is the most popular device inside an alarm system and is actually a kind of loud sounding horn used to draw immediate attention to the act of burglary.

  • Glass Break Sensors: This is the sensor which can set off the alarm by recognizing the acoustic wave when a glass is broken off.

While these are generally the common devices that are used in both home and commercial alarm systems, there are many other features attached. Let us know some of them as well now.

  • A commercial security alarm system can be both wireless and wired. This depends upon the requirements and the availability. If in your office there is alarm system activated and you want to upgrade it, you can always go for the wired one as this will also be helpful to install. Otherwise, a wireless alarm system is regarded to be the best that can provide you with the required security that you want.

  • In office, you can also go for those commercial alarm systems that have the audible delay devices. This will also help you enormously as the intruder will not be aware that the system has already triggered the alarm before it signals to set the alarm.

Depending on your budget and requirements you can also go on for activating additional back up systems in your existing commercial burglar alarm system. Some of these are:

  • You can always use a two way monitoring system as an add-on to your commercial security alarm system. The main idea of operation is that the central monitoring system uses the security keypad as the intercom and verifies the employee’s identity in case a doubt arises.

  • Keeping a back up system is another good option when you are thinking of some add-on for your alarm system at office. There are mainly three kinds of back up systems. You can use either radio, cellular or the 24 hour back up components to your system. While cellular and radio back up systems send signal to the central monitoring system, the other one starts working once the phone line is severed.

Some other add-ons include, access control fire alarm and also video surveillance, smoke detectors, pressure mats, close circuit TV and also panic button.

Types Of Alarm Systems

Did you know that you cannot rely on the same type of alarm system for protection of your home or condo or apartment? You need to install separate security devices for different kinds of accommodation options. Same goes for your business as well. Though a central monitoring security device will work best for commercial purposes, yet there are some variations that are devised to meet your varied requirements. Here we will discuss about the several types of alarm systems that will ultimately help you choose the best one for you. So, let us begin the journey.

  • Types of Home Alarm System: Basically, an alarm system, whether it is a home alarm system or a commercial system, can be of two types. The wired alarm system and the wireless one. But, depending on the kind of accommodation that you are residing at present, there can be many variations even within these two types of security systems.

  • Types of Commercial Alarm systems: Just like the basic difference or classification in case of the home security alarm systems, commercial alarm systems are also basically of the same two types. It will depend on the infrastructure of the office and the demand of the customer whether a wireless or wired system will be installed or not. Still the several types of commercial systems that are available in the market are different depending on the use of the additional features to make it customized. The several types of add-ons that can be added to a commercial security system have already been introduced to you in our previous section. So, just go through them and decide for yourself if you are looking forward to installing an alarm system for your business.

Price Of Alarm Systems

While choosing the perfect alarm company for either your home or your office, one of the major considerations that you are going to make is regarding the cost and the price of the alarm systems that you are going to get installed. Now, while there will be a cost for the alarm system itself, you should also keep in mind the other associated costs. These will include the installation, the license fee and the additional charges you have to bear in case you are going for some extra features to be added to your existing alarm system. Here we will try to give you some comprehensive ideas about the pricing of the alarm system, though it may vary from time to time and also from state to state.

  • Pricing for Home Alarm System: Generally, you can install a centrally monitored home security alarm system by paying somewhere between $25 to $40 per month. If you opt for adding some back up system to your alarm, it may cost you additional $10 per back up. Moreover, for dual tech sensor, pet alleys and optional remote control facilities you have to add some extra bucks as well. This may cost you around $50 to $300 per year. Even you may think of adding the fire alarm as well which can cost you $200-$400 per year. But even before you think about the additional charges with the additional features, you need to keep in mind the installing charges which can go from $100 up to $1500 depending on the size of your home.

    You should also keep in mind whether you are going to buy the system or taking it on lease. Because, in case you are taking the equipment on lease, you have to bear a monthly or annual cost for it. This will cost you around $ 300-$500 per year.

    Now there is another important part associated with the pricing of the alarm system. This is regarding the permits that you have to get. There are generally two types of permits that are required while you are going to get a security alarm system installed at your home. You need to get permits from the local department of police and also the electrical board. But, don’t worry. These will cost you a trifling amount like $5-$40 annually.

    And last but not the least, for more security of both your home and the security device, you can purchase an extended repair and maintenance agreement for another $100-$200 per year. This will ensure that, even when the warranty period will get over, you can still get your alarm system repaired without spending extra money.

  • Pricing for Commercial Alarm System: Cost of commercial alarm systems is somewhat similar to that of the home alarm system. But, you need to pay more for installing the system; especially, if your office is a big one. This is because installing a commercial alarm system in a big office will take more time, effort and equipment parts. Typically, the installing charge for commercial alarm system varies from $100 to $4000. Apart from this you need to pay somewhat similar amount for adding additional features to the system, though open and close tracking system may cost you somewhere around $250 -$600 annually.

    Leasing the system along with certain motion detectors, door contacts, glass break sensor will cost you $300 to $500 per year. Even if you buy the system, there will be monthly charges for monitoring the system.

    Another expense that you have to bear is the charges for the permits that you need to get. You will require two types of permits, one from the local department of police and the second from the electrical department. This will not, however, cost you much. You can get the permit by spending $5-$40 and that too annually.

Proper Use Of Alarm System

Once the alarm system is successfully installed at your home or in your office, it is your responsibility to see that it is used properly and not indiscriminately. In this regard, it is always better to arrange some class with the alarm installer and the family members or persons who will operate the system at your office and learn the correct procedures of using the security system.

Be aware that you may be fined or charged the municipality for false alarms. That is why you should always learn the proper usages of the system. However, regarding the proper usage of alarm, you need to know something more.

As at present many of the companies, small businesses and homes are turning towards security alarm system for the protection of the office or home, burglars have also become more conscious. They know what are the times when you likely have not put the alarm system on. It is evident from the statistics that, now-a-days, most of the burglaries are happening in between morning 6 to evening 6.

Most people do not put their alarm system on at this time thinking that night is the appropriate time for the burglars to attack. Therefore, you need to be aware of this also and put the alarm on at the day time along with night time when you are going out of your home.

Once you start following these simple guidelines, it is very easy to operate the security alarm system properly and at your ease.

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