A false alarm may cause you to pay a fine; Therefore, it is better to prevent a false alarm than pay money for causing it.
- Familiarize yourself with the working system as well as the components of the alarm.
- Check and read the manual and the list of instructions carefully as soon as it gets installed.
- If you have pets, ivies or anything that can trigger an alarm, ensure that they are kept away.
- Make sure that your entire family knows how to use the alarm, activate and deactivate it, know the cancellation codes etc.
- In case you are going away for long or have some guests who will be staying with you, brief them on how to use it.
- Buy security alarms only from reliable and genuine companies so that you can be rest assured that there are fewer chances of a false alarm.
- Memorize the codes and the passwords required for the alarm system so as to avoid any false alarm scam.
- Keep checking the battery from time to time.
- Do not re-enter the house immediately, forgetting that the alarm is activated.
- Ensure that the locks are tightly locked and secured, if not they may cause an alarm.
- Curtains should not come in the way of a door or window.
- Instruct your house keeper of anyone responsibility for dusting the house, about what has to be done before they start.
- Get a regular check up done so that there are no mishaps.
- Learn to turn off the motion detectors while leaving the other sensors on.
- Keep the phone numbers and other details of the alarm company, in a place easily found.
- Inform the alarm company when any re modeling, renovating or repair work is going on.
- Keep the details of your security alarm, like the phone number of the company, the password etc, with a trusted neighbor.
- In case you are going away for a long time, inform the alarm company authorities.
- If you change the password or code, bring it to the notification of the alarm company.
- Keep upgrading your alarm system occasionally; you should not be stuck with an old system.
If A False Alarm Sounds
- Do not panic; however ensure that you have to notify the concerned authorities before they take any action, therefore act fast.
- As soon as the alarm sounds, the company will call you immediately. Disclose the correct password to the company.
- Call up and inform the alarm company why the alarm was sounded.
- Analyze and assess the cause and see that this does not repeat again.
False Fire Alarms
- False fire alarms create a lot of panic and chaos. Ensure that the batteries and other components of the fire alarm are in a working condition.
- Buy your fire alarm only from a reputed and established company.